How to Declutter and Downsize Before a Move
Before moving day, completing a thorough declutter is an important part of the process. By decluttering your home ahead of your relocation, you can effectively make your move easier and more organized. Discover the process in a few simple steps!
- Start the Process Early
One of the biggest keys to decluttering your home successfully is getting an early start on the process. Sorting through all of your belongings takes time, and without that time, you’re forced to rush, stress, and inevitably complete the task with much less than 100% success. Instead of dealing with the anxiety of a rushed decluttering process, give yourself a head start so you have ample time to get the job done the right way.
- Trash the Easy Stuff First
Decluttering can be an incredibly difficult process if you’re unsure of what you’re ready and willing to part with. Make the job easier on yourself by starting with the easy items first—the things you know you can simply throw in the trash. These items might be broken, tarnished, old, or simply eating up space. Whatever the case may be, you know the items shoved to the back of your closet that you’re ready to toss. Begin your declutter here, and everything else will come easier.
- Gain Momentum
A huge part of decluttering is momentum. As previously stated, this task can feel difficult, but if you garner some momentum, you’ll be amazed at how quick and painless the process can be. Start with the simple stuff, perhaps in the rooms or storage areas that have accumulated a lot of junk over your time in the home. Don’t allow yourself to spend more than a few moments on a singular item, and save your difficult items for later if you start to feel stuck.
- Plan Your New Space
As you’re trying to decide which items can stay and which ones can go, it can be incredibly useful to plan your space in your new home. Everything you own should have a place to go, and if it doesn’t have a spot, you might want to seriously consider decluttering it. This tactic allows you to ensure nothing is eating up space by simply sitting around or being shoved to the back of a closet or cabinet.
- Ask Yourself the Right Questions
To determine which items you want to keep, there are some helpful questions that can guide your decisions. Ask yourself these questions as you decide…
- How often do I use this item?
- Have I used this in the last 3 months?
- Do I hold onto this item “just in case”?
- Am I keeping this just for sentimentality?
- Does something else I own serve the same purpose already?
- Set A Timer
Getting through the decluttering process is all about momentum, and keeping momentum up is about staying on time. This can be done in a couple ways. First, make sure you don’t spend longer than a few minutes on one item. Try setting a timer for a few minutes if you’re deciding on an item, and then when the time is up, that’s it—time to finalize your decision. Additionally, decluttering should be done in small chunks, not long marathons. Allot an hour or half hour at a time in order to make the most of your declutter without burning out.
- Try to Avoid Sentimentality
Last but not least, try to avoid being overly sentimental. Of course, we all have belongings that hold sentimental value, and it’s okay to hold onto them for this reason. However, you can’t justify holding onto everything for emotional purposes. Narrow it down to only the most meaningful, special items. Otherwise, if you’re only keeping it for sentimentality’s sake, it’s time to let the item go.